unique Christian Jewelry
Designed Just for You

To Beat The Distractions Of The Day And Keep You Right Where You Belong– With Jesus!

Our Mission 

Even as these days get darker and darker, we watch expectantly as we work to see God’s daughters arise, shine and witness the glory of the Lord risen upon them.

(Isaiah 60:1) 

We at Adah love God and people!

That’s why we’re committed to helping women enter into deeper relationship with Him where they live full lives in their true identities in Christ.

For us, that means helping these daughters of God walk with Jesus throughout the day.

And what’s exciting is each step they take is part of a larger movement of the Lord in the world today.

Because we see Him working even now in new and creative ways and in nontraditional spaces— places that we believe He is looking to take back for His glory and His people’s gain.

It is a Rebirth. A Renaissance.

And we at Adah humbly take our place in it— at the intersection of art, beauty, fashion, creativity, and faith.

Our Story

Emily Hegedus
Co-Founder of Adah

Hi, I’m Emily,
Co-Founder of Adah

And I would love to share the story of Adah with you—

I’ve walked with the Lord for over 25 years now and know the pain of not walking consistently with Him.

I remember waking up day after day, saying a short prayer and then wading out into all the day’s stress, anxiety and have to’s —

Just to make it to the end of the day when I could finally spend time with God. But one day I heard the Lord say,

— “Enough is Enough!”

And just like that He set me on a new path where I walk with Him throughout the day. 

But there was definitely a learning curve. As I first walked this new path, I found myself “drifting” from Him as the day went on and as different life challenges arose. Which terrified me! I just couldn’t go back to that old way of life.

And then I had a thought— What if there was something I could carry with me to remind me of this new path and to help me walk on it! So I looked for unique jewelry I could wear throughout the day that would do just that and couldn’t find anything. That’s when I heard,

— “Why don’t we fix that?” 

So He and I set out to design never-before-seen jewelry that celebrates and supports people who love Jesus and want to walk with Him all the time.


No matter what part of the journey you’re on with Jesus, I believe He wants to take you to even deeper levels of relationship with Him. That means a life filled with love, rest and abundance!

And we at Adah would be ecstatic and humbled to be even the tiniest part of your walk with Jesus!

We hope you find something you love to wear and that brings you closer to the Lord.

In love and faith,

Emily Hegedus
Co-Founder of Adah

Shop your Adah Jewelry now

And Add a Meaningful Little Reminder to Your Daily Walk with Jesus Today!