“It’s Not a Bean”: The Unconventional Design Story Behind the Triune Line


If you ever wondered how jewelry is designed, I actually might not be the best person to ask. As the owner of a jewelry company, is that embarrassing to admit? Yes. Honest? Also, yes.

Because designing Adah’s first collection, the Triune Line, was a little bit rough. And the problem wasn’t the jewelry. It definitely wasn’t God. It was me.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that it was a lot of firsts— It was the first time I set out with the Lord to do something together with Him. (Instead of going out ahead of Him, saying “You got me, Lord?” and then bumbling the whole thing up only to run back to Him crying.) It was my first time putting ideas on paper and going to the experts to make it a reality. And it was the first collection for Adah.

But when I set out to design the Triune Line I figured, “Sure… I’m not a jewelry designer by trade. But I do know the Lord. And if anybody knows anything about jewelry and beauty and design… it’s Him.”

So I did the hardest thing there was to do— To begin in faith.


let the Sketching begin

So, there I sat on my living room couch in front of the TV. Sketching materials in hand and ready for whatever the Lord was going to do. And my favorite movie queued up for some comforting background noise. (It was Lord of the Rings, if you’d like to know. Because when you’re doing epic things, it helps to have some epic context).

And then I just said a short prayer, “Lord, help me” and began to sketch. It was such a deep prayer, I know. Very official. But I believe He honors these kinds of prayers just as much.

Now when I sketched, it wasn’t a literal Jesus-take-the-wheel pencil situation. That would actually be a little spooky, if you think about it. How it actually worked was as I sketched, I meditated on each Person of the Trinity. And as I meditated certain Scripture and images came to mind for each. Some of the Scripture I hadn’t read or heard in years. Some I read just the day before. Images floated effortlessly to mind.

And I believe all of that was from God. He brought all these things to my imagination. So when we say our designs are divinely inspired, we mean it!


Straight out of scripture

Here’s exactly what the Lord showed me for each pendant design.


As I sketched EverLove, the pendant all about the love of Abba God, He really challenged me on what the perfect Dad’s love looks like. And how it would transcend to the next level with God as that Dad. 2 Corinthians 6:18 came to mind. 

I will be a Father to you and you will be my daughter, says the Lord Almighty. 

That had a pretty big impact on me and brought forth what was pretty straight forward. He loves His daughters. Period. And since a heart shaped pendant was pretty literal and very well overdone, we went a step further. Not only does He love His daughters, His love is forever. It never ever stops. It is infinite. So the heart and infinity sign combo it was! 


As I sketched EverFlow, the pendant all about Holy Spirit, I didn’t get a Bible verse originally for this one honestly. It was more about remembering those times when I really knew Holy Spirit was leading me in my life. I reflected on how it feels when that happens. It’s like soaring or surfing or something where you are moving but it is so effortless. There is no flapping or paddling or hard strain. It is— flow.

This is what it is to walk in the Spirit following Holy Spirit’s lead. It is peace and joy and effortlessness. And since Scripture likens this often to water or oil, I found myself drawing a droplet to represent that.

Only later I learned more about Holy Spirit in my research and John 14:26 was confirmation that not only had I got the design, He was helping me through it all!

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.


As I sketched EverFree, all about Jesus and the freedom we have in Him, I started to wonder why we as Christians always wear cross pendants but we never see symbols of the resurrection. Of course, Jesus’ death on the cross is the foundation of our faith and of all that He has done for us. But it was the resurrection that sealed the deal. And I really wanted a way to celebrate that. Because as Jesus was raised, so were we. Ephesians 2:6 proves it.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

So I just imagined standing there as the gravestone rolled back from the tomb. Seeing the burial clothes folded neatly. And realizing that Jesus wasn’t there. It still gives me shivers thinking about because it’s just about the coolest mic drop in the history of mankind. And so this design, an interpretation of standing in front of the tomb as the gravestone rolled back, was born.


Founder’s Favorite

So what’s my favorite, you ask?

Well, they’re all very special but if I HAD to choose only one, I’d go with EverLove. I really love the heart and infinity sign combination. (And the 16” length sits so well on the decolletage!) 

But I can’t tell you how many times I heard during the design feedback process, “It looks like a bean”. It was crushing to hear when you’re going for something so meaningful and deep (like God’s everlasting love for us) but instead get feedback that it looks like a bean. But after validating the design with the Lord (AKA, “Lord did I hear you right on this? Is this the design?”), I went forward with it, led by His peace. 


Finishing touches

And through all of the minute details and fussing and cultivating the final designs like a proud mama (or mad scientist) for each of the pendants, there was finally peace. And it was time to move on. And so we did.

We had experts from throughout the industry helping with the final sketches, CAD and manufacturing and couldn’t be more grateful to our partners for their support.


Sharing is Caring

I share all this not to air the nitty gritty of Adah’s inner workings. Why I’m really sharing this is in the hope that you see when we at Adah say we are following the Lord and offer jewelry with divinely-inspired design, it’s not a cute little slogan to sling some jewelry. It’s the truth. It’s real.

And His help in the designs was not just for me. I really believe when the Lord was helping design these pieces, He had you in mind. He was designing for His daughter who He really, really, really loves. And while I or the Adah team or our experts that brought the jewelry to life may not know you, the most important thing is that He does.

So I personally invite you to visit our shop to see if there’s a design that speaks to you and prayerfully consider getting a piece of Adah jewelry of your own. After all, it was made for you! 


In love and faith,


Co-Founder, CEO of Adah


To Begin Again… and again and again and again.