To Begin Again… and again and again and again.

Christian Jewelry to Help Remember the Lord in the New Beginnings

So you know when you’re moving right along with a project you love, some assignment at work or that sweater you’ve been determined to finish knitting and then BAM… For whatever reason you get sidetracked and have to put it on pause?

If we’re being honest, it sucks when that happens. And we know because we literally just went through it! There we were, the Adah Team, moving right along– connecting with you on Instagram, Facebook and in your inbox and were really starting to build something special when BAM… Everything stopped.

For a couple of months we had to take some time to prioritize some things. And that’s life. Yes, it was demoralizing. But the good news is that in that time we’ve been working behind the scenes with the Lord and some of the most talented people we know to get this show on the road… again.


And We’re Back

But don’t get us wrong… it’s TOUGH to get back. To begin again can be downright scary. Because all the doubt, fears, and lies that linger really seem to intensify during these times.

We even found ourselves repeating lies like:

  • We dropped the ball.

  • We failed.

  • We’ll never get back on the train again.

  • Even if we do, we’ll never stay on for the long haul.


But then, the Lord stepped in

And He’s been showing us some stuff we thought we would share with you! Because at the end of the day, walking with the Lord is really all a series of beginning again’s… and again and again and again.

That’s one thing He showed us.

But what was really eye-opening was an entire reframing of what a new beginning actually looks like to God. And after all, how God sees it is the truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth.

See, we had this image of a beginning as a huge mountain and we’re standing before it. And it’s our job to climb to get over that peak. And silly enough, God was not standing with us but on the TOP of the mountain yelling to us from far away, “You can do it.”  And we’re pretty sure that’s just not the image of Immanuel— God with us… (How did we miss that?).

Needless to say, He corrected that whole picture real quick. He showed us that beginning again is actually a really beautiful space that God is simply inviting us into. We see Him standing there, reaching out His hand, His eyes glistening with excitement. As if to say:

- You won’t be disappointed.
- I’ve got you. Just come with Me.
- It’s going to be SO good.


And it Changed Everything

Even only a month ago, a huge ball of anxiety would hit us with starting something new (like this blog). But that was with the old picture. With this new picture, it’s almost curiosity that spurs us on. Like “What is God up to? And how’s He going to make it work?

Now don’t get us wrong… through these new beginnings we were definitely not perfect. We forgot the new picture He shared with us more often than we’d like to admit. Anxiety and fear would creep back in. And then we would get frustrated. Bottom line: it got messy.

But God is so good to always help us back to the true reality– to that beautiful new picture (and to oust of all the junk that holds us back).


This is what we’re all about… for you!

And if you know anything about Adah, this is what we’re all about! Yes, we make unique Christian Jewelry for women. But it’s deeper than that. It’s about helping women like you with how to remember God throughout the day, what He says about the situation your face and who you truly are in all of it.

So, if you’re facing new beginnings like we are and have that old picture in mind, we really encourage you to lay all that out to God and ask Him to replace it with the picture He has.

And the trick is to never let that picture go…


remembering the New Pictures

And if you need help on how to remember God and the pictures He gives you throughout the day… you may just want a beautiful little reminder you can wear all the time to help. You can get shopping for your perfect reminder now!


And if you’re open to a recommendation, we highly recommend the Everlove pendant if you’re in this situation of new beginnings. It’s a reminder of the love of your Heavenly Dad who is rooting for you, cheering you on, saying “I’ve got this” and “I love you”. Because remembering that will help holding onto all the pictures He lays out for you WAY easier.

You can find this reminder in your favorite metal and length here.


And no matter what

We’re praying for you as you walk through your new beginnings. That you may be open to His pictures for you and that you may hold them throughout the day to breakthrough! Amen. 


In love and faith,

Adah Team is Praying for You

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